Pete Davidson, the renowned 29-year-old actor and comedian known for his roles in “Saturday Night Live” and “King of Staten Island,” has taken the initiative to resolve a reckless driving charge resulting from an incident where he crashed into a Beverly Hills home. According to authorities, he has enrolled in a diversion program and will be performing 50 hours of community service.
Los Angeles County prosecutors have stated that Pete Davidson is likely to carry out his community service with the New York Fire Department, the same department where his late father, Scott, served as a firefighter. This holds significant sentimental value for Pete, as his father tragically lost his life while responding to the 9/11 attacks when Pete was only 7 years old.
Despite facing a misdemeanor charge for reckless driving due to a “serious collision” that occurred on March 4, Pete Davidson maintained his innocence and pleaded not guilty. However, the legal proceedings have led to an 18-month diversion program for him, which also involves attending 12 hours of traffic school, adhering to all laws, and paying unspecified restitution.
Fortunately, no injuries were reported from the crash that led to the charges against Davidson. Despite the legal situation, Davidson’s career continues to thrive. His show, “Bupkis,” made its debut on Peacock in May, and he is set to star in the upcoming film “Dumb Money.”